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Hypnosis Online

Success CoachSuccess Coach

As a Life Coach
I support people to overcome challenges with anxiety, depression, health and weight by using hypnosis to release subconscious blocks, change their mindsets and reprogram their minds so they can achieve their goals. 

MindSet for Success Featured Services


Would you like to have your ideal life?

Balance, Empowerment, Motivation, Stress, Time & Self-Management

We can shape our lives to support us to live in an extraordinary way. According to keynote speaker, professional coach and former psychotherapist, Zoilita Grant, the stress associated with living and working in today’s 24/7 world is costly-to both individual workers and to a company’s bottom line. Author of over thirty books on the uses of hypnosis, Zoilita uses her first-hand experience in the power of the mind to illustrate easy-to-remember techniques to create a life with less stress and more meaning. Her high-energy programs can be given in a keynote, half day, or full day program.

To Hire Zoilita to speak
(Contact 303-834-5040

Zoilita grant