Have you ever met someone and felt in instant connection? Or visited a city for the first time and felt completely at home? Have you ever thought, “This must be connected to a past life?” You can resolve core issues and receive help with a variety of problems, including fear and phobias, relationships ect. Regardless of your personal faith or belief past life regression can work for you through gentle and relaxing hypnosis unlocking doors in your mind to understand how past lives(or the metaphor of them) can be influencing who you are now. Finding Gifts from the past, Contract and Redecision work are some of the things you can do in past life work.
Life Coaching Services
Would you like to have a better life?
More money, happier relationships and better health?
Guess What You Are!
There is Magic in Your Mind.
I can help you find it!
Hypnotic coaching is a power tool to help you achieve your goals.
Soul Work
Past Life Regressions

Life Reading and Soul Alignment
Using a combination of Tarot cards, cellular block clearing and Chakra balancing, I will help you identify you current life path. You will learn what is blocking you from the highest intention of your Soul. We will then clear those blocks and align you with your true Soul purpose. You will experience greater clarity, enhanced motivation and more energy.
Masterkey – Neuro-Meditation

The MASTER KEY Neuro-Meditation video clears self-sabotaging subconscious beliefs keeping you from actual success. This process will change your beliefs that no longer serve you.
Would you like more information?
Read about the program and watch a trailer.

Zoilita Grant
Your MindSet completely controls your experience of life. Not only does it affect your choices (which create your life), it affects how you experience life.
I have developed simple and very profound products and classes to create a MindSet for Success in all areas of your life. I have learned the power of hypnosis through the impact on my life and the lives of thousands of people that I have worked with over the last 30 something years.
For most of my adult life I practiced psychotherapy specializing in counseling hypnotherapy. I practiced in three different states and two countries. I stopped practicing hypnotherapy in 2007. I went to school and became a coach. I love being a coach! I practice Hypnotic Coaching. In 2008 the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners and International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association approved credentialing for Hypnotic Coaching. This new profession is a natural evolution of the use of hypnosis in combination with coaching tools and techniques. Like the more traditional Coach, the Hypnotic Coach acts as a partner with their client.
I have dedicated much of my life to helping people reach their full potential and have extraordinary lives. I can now see that Hypnotic Coaching is a perfect model to do that! I have a line of Hypnosis CDs for the public and have written and self published over twenty-seven books for Hypnosis practitioners.
Zoilita’s coaching has been tremendous for my life and business. Through her care, concern and professionalism my life and business has become much more successful.
Kristin Artistic director Longmont Dance Theatre