Hypnosis Practitioner's Tools
We have products, classes and support for hypnosis practitioners.

Colorado Coaching offers classes in Spiritual and Business Development and Hypnosis CEUs
Certification Programs
Are You tired of constantly having to get new clients?
Would like to work with people for longer periods of time to make more money by working less?
The world needs more coaches and hypnosis professionals make ideal coaches. Hypnosis and coaching is a dynamite combination! For those wanting to make a positive, long-lasting impact on others in this world, now is the chance to do exactly that by adding hypnotic coaching to your practice!
Would you like to improve your own life, make a six-figure income, work part time and make the world a better place? I can help you make that happen. The need for Coaches is exploding. People need a lot help right now as they adapt to our changing world. Your success is my success.
Business Mastery Kits
Marketing is the engine of your business. Success means embracing marketing. If your business is a vehicle to take you where you want to go, then marketing is the engine of that vehicle. When you neglect the engine (marketing), you forget to put oil in it, and eventually the vehicle stops functioning the way it’s suppose to. You are then treating your business like a hobby and it will never support you the way you deserve. Where have the majority of your clients come from? | ||
For many small business owners, their businesses become more like a hobby than a money making business. This is due to inefficient systems which creates mediocre profits, and a high likelihood of eventual burn out and failure. You can get away with this approach if you don’t have high income goals, and if you enjoy your business so much that you don’t mind spending a massive percentage of your time focused on it. However, even if your business is part time, and even if it’s not your sole source of income, you could still benefit from learning how to be more effective making your business more effective as a business. | ||
Success means different things to different people, but for everyone, feeling successful is about having the quality of life that nurtures and sustains you. There are five simple keys to achieving success.
l. Realize that you create your success!
2. Get a clear picture of your success.
3. Remove your blocks to success.
4. Develop a success plan.
5. Program your mind for success. | ||
No Sales – No Business – No Service
Sales are the key to the success of any business that you may have. It is important to get comfortable with the sales process. The sales process is how a potential customer makes the decision to become an actual customer for you. This needs to happen on a regular basis, in sufficient quantity, for your business to succeed and your potential client to receive benefits. Effective sales, sets the stage for overall success in all areas of your business success. It directly affects your profit and allows your customers to receive the benefits of your service or product. This is key to your success. | ||
Using Your Time Wisely: You have 24 hours each day. So make the most of each day. It’s not important how much time you have. What is important is what you do with the time you’re given. Time is a precious gift. Don’t squander it. You’ll regret it later if you do. Time is one thing we can’t get back. Once it has passed, it’s gone forever. Ultimately, using your time well means knowing what your priorities are and then choosing to focus on them. We all have things that waste our time. Now is the time to identify those things that waste your time and distract you from positive activities. |
Hypnosis Practitioner Books
This book contains techniques to facilitate a stronger transpersonal experience for the client and to help them find their Inner Guidance. You will learn to develop your own and the clients’ intuition. Subjects Alchemical Hypnosis Spirit Guides, Dream Work and working with energy. This book contains some very powerful Spiritual techniques. By using Spirit Guides we can have rapid personal change, physical and emotional healing, creativity, spiritual growth. Ancient shamanic and modern techniques are taught to be applied to clearing trauma, changing karma, accessing creativity, changing relationship patterns. Learn to work with the Dream Weaver to open the door to the dream world and to access powerful elements of creativity. Great for personal Soul growth! Mandalas, charkas, and scripts.
By Zoilita Grant | ||
This manual contains in depth Inner Child work including how to determine developmental stages of wounding, Inner Child rescue work, and child adult bonding techniques. Alchemical Hypnotherapy techniques and interactive process are designed to change behaviors. Contains many tools to do Inner Child / Inner Family Work, Develop Inner Resources, work with wounded parts and do Committee Room Techniques. A real tool to deepen you work with people.
By Zoilita Grant | ||
This is the foundation training book for Hypnotic-Coaching. The field of Hypnotic-Coaching is about working with people who want “success” in their lives. A Hypnotic-Coach is much like a trainer who helps an athlete win the “gold medal” – not just be in the race. Hypnotic-Coaches help clients design the lives they want. It helps them achieve their goals. Hypnotic-Coaching is a process that teaches the use of hypnosis to create a solution-focused life. Hypnotic-Coaching goes beyond problem solving and uses life coaching techniques to help the client create a life that is purposeful and focused. Hypnotic-Coaching is not therapy. Hypnotic-Coaching is a new and different profession. It is not hypnotherapy nor does it replace it. Hypnotic-Coaching is part of the coaching profession. This book teaches the skills and tools of the Hypnotic-Coach and how to use hypnosis to successfully help clients achieve their goals.
By Zoilita Grant | ||
A simple system designed to help clients get reimbursement from their health care providers under psychological services. You will learn how to create the type of practice that will get your clients reimbursed. This new manual is very complete, including client planning and working with a supervisor.A list of appropriate supervisors is included, as well as common diagnostic codes for hypnosis work. A sample Insurance Billing Form Disclosure Statement and many other forms are include on Computer CD in Microsoft Word.
By Zoilita Grant | ||
There is definitely money in numbers. A really good way to increase your income is to learn how to run effective hypnosis groups. On going, target groups will create a wonderful way to leverage your time and make more money. From effectively running hypnosis groups to marketing them successfully, this manual has it all. You will learn to combine group facilitation, journaling and hypnosis in classes that are easy and fun to run. These groups use your skills in ways to create greater income. There is money in numbers. Included is a list of sample groups and outlines for several very popular groups as well as sample marketing materials. Scripts, protocols, participants handouts. and plans are included.
By Zoilita Grant | ||
This book has been recently expanded to give you a foundation of how to work with young children, adolescents and adult ADD. Work with children may either be done individually or in classes. ADD is covered in depth and you will some very concrete tools to use to help individual of all ages. 50% of children with ADD carry the full symptoms into adult life. There ADD complicates their ability to have successful lives. You will learn about ADD/ADHD and the medications that are commonly used to treat it. This book contains many scripts and protocols to work with ADD as well as an easy system for teaching client's self hypnosis. Many people are looking for nonmedical approaches to working with ADD and this book contains many scripts, protocols, handouts, and plans included.
By Zoilita Grant | ||
This book creates the missing link to success as a Hypnotherapist. It is a comprehensive book on the people skills necessary for a very successful practice. It is designed for professionals and creates a comprehensive detailing client planning techniques, communication skills and client assessment. You will learn valuable skills relating to both individuals and groups. Group facilitation skills are taught in connection with developing ongoing Hypnotherapy groups. The book also contains specific information about how to work with weight, smoking, anxiety and depression. A real must for a successful practice. Scripts, protocols, client handouts and plans are included.
By Zoilita Grant | ||
Physical, mental and sexual abuse are some of the most significant issue in people life. It is estimated that one out of three girls, and at least for out of seven boys, are abused by the time they reach the age of eighteen. By using a combination of Alchemical hypnosis and Radiant Heart Healing it is possible to heal the deep wounds of abuse. You will learn to recognize both the symptoms and impact of abuse in your clients live. This manual will help you learn to help client with:
Uncovering memories through the power of trance
Absolving the Child from Guilt…purification process
Developing Inner Resources
Create the Adult-Child Bond
Committee work
Client testifies to their truth | ||
Hypnosis is only just beginning to be used to support the process of sobriety. This book presents pioneering material that will add real dimensions to your practice. The book presents a comprehensive program on how to work with clients through addictions into recovery. The scope is very broad and teaches a system of working with addictions that includes codependency. You will learn ways to teach skills that ensure permanent recovery. Scripts, Protocols and Plans are included.
By Zoilita Grant | ||
Anxiety and depression are two areas, which can be greatly helped by hypnotherapy. This manual contains techniques to help eliminate the emotional causes of both anxiety and depression. It shows you how to help clients reduce and handle personal stress by changing elements of their personality. Contains comprehensive information on how to work with both anxiety and depression, teaching clients positive self-talk, how to change their belief systems and how to create internal balance. Also contains tools and strategies to help GI’s and Veterans. Scripts, protocols, client’s handouts and plans are included.
By Zoilita Grant | ||
A handy guide for Hypnotherapists wanting to effectively work with childbirth. This is a comprehensive training system that allows you to work with the Body, Mind, Spirit and Emotions of the Mother-To-Be. Hypnosis is used for easy and natural childbirth. Scripts, protocols, participants handouts. and plans are included. Mothers handouts are included.
By Zoilita Grant | ||
This manual will teach you how to use hypnosis to effectively help clients suffering from disease. Techniques are taught for working with Cancer, respiratory problems, headaches, and allergies, as well as how to determine and deal with secondary psychological gain. You will learn step by step effective ways to boost the immune system and create healing metaphors. Scripts, protocols, client’s handouts and plans are included.
By Zoilita Grant | ||
Change is a part of life and managing the change can be improved through using the power of your mind. The science of Mind/Body medicine has led the way. Zoilita's program has helped many women use their minds to manage hot flashes, sleeplessness, irritability and other common symptoms as they more effectively balance their bodies. It is possible to manage menopause successfully. This is an excellent workbook for the hypnosis practitioner who want to help women manage menopause. Scripts, protocols, client handouts. and plans are included.
By Zoilita Grant | ||
This manual is very comprehensive, clear and easy to use. It contains in depth information about how to work with all aspects of pain both physical and emotional. It explains the difference between physical pain and emotional suffering. Readers learn how to rate hypnotic ability. Good information for Pre and Post Operative Hypnosis. It also contains research on benefits of hypnosis with pain. Scripts, research, and client handouts.
By Zoilita Grant | ||
This recently revised book presents clear and easy protocols and scripts to do Past Life Regression. Finding Gifts from Past Life Personalities, Redecision Work, Contract Work and clearing Karma are all highlighted. The book also includes information to work with children’s Past Life experiences. The book is a complete and easy to use training on how to do past life regression and to work with Interlife Journeys. Contains client handouts, a format for a Discovering Past Lives class and many scripts. Contains Advanced Methods of Past Life Regression including: Clearing Karma, Accessing Creativity, discovering life purpose, working with Soul Contracts. The InterLife is the place Souls go between lifetimes. There are six stations in the Interlife and various processes that you can do with each station to increase Soul awareness and development.
By Zoilita Grant | ||
Hypnotherapy is one of the top 5 successful weight mastery strategies. This manual includes material on how to run groups utilizing hypnosis and journaling. Definitely a practice builder. Contains protocols, scripts and participants handouts. Scripts, protocols, client’s handouts. and plans are included.
By Zoilita Grant
ISBN 1-890575-37-2 | ||
The marketplace is filled with opportunities for hypnosis practitioners. In our changing financial climate, individuals are looking for support in being their best and reaching their full potential and personal. This book contains detailed information about how to work with anxiety, weight, smoking and many types of wellness issues. A set of Client handouts in included. | ||
An organized system of customized Pain Management Session Guides. It includes all the paperwork that you will need to successfully work with pain relief clients. All materials you need are included.
By Zoilita Grant | ||
A really good script can create a breakthrough with your client. This unique approach to creating protocols and scripts helps you to work with the underlying psychological issues that often complicate your work with clients. Zoilita has a real gift with the use of words and you can learn a lot just going through the scripts. These scripts and protocols been used with many clients very successfully. This book has been recently up dated and several new scripts have been added.
By Zoilita Grant | ||
Interactive scripts are new in the field of hypnosis and Zoilita has done an incredible job of creating them. The types of scripts range from advance subpersonality to past life work. Many of the scripts contain a unique combination of cellular block clearing and interactive processes. There are scripts that can be used either in a hypnotherapy or hypnotic-coaching context. This script book is a real practice builder.
By Zoilita Grant | ||
This book focuses on life and clinical issues of children and adolescents. It is easy to read and contains many helpful protocols and scripts. It also explains successful inductions to use with children and adolescents as well as play therapy techniques. Recently added are stories to use specifically with issues common to children. Scripts, protocols, participants handouts. and plans are included.
By Zoilita Grant | ||
An organized system of session guides including all the client paperwork that you need. This system is a great benefit in the on going process of therapy. An excellent last session form is included.
Everything you need is include. By Zoilita Grant | ||
Hypnosis is the most practical and effective way to enter the subconscious mind, which is very suggestible when you talk to it in the right way. So how do we get hypnosis more mainstream and let people learn to use the power of their own minds? Hypnotic Coaching is an ideal way get hypnosis more mainstream and let people learn to use the power of their own minds. It is a non therapeutic use of hypnosis as a coach and combines the skills of life, business, or relationship coaching with the techniques of classical hypnosis.…the tools and techniques of the coach with the power and punch of hypnosis! This book is the secret of success by showing you how do it. | ||
This workbook is comprehensive and very detailed. A great foundation for a successful practice containing overview of subpersonality therapy. This is an excellent workbook to serve as your complete reference for a successful practice. This is the primary textbook of the Colorado Coaching and Hypnotherapy Training Institute. A section on marketing the private practice is included. This will really benefit your private practice.
By Zoilita Grant
ISBN# 1-890575-21-6 |
This book contains techniques to facilitate a stronger transpersonal experience for the client and to help them find their Inner Guidance. You will learn to develop your own and the clients’ intuition. Subjects Alchemical Hypnosis Spirit Guides, Dream Work and working with energy. This book contains some very powerful Spiritual techniques. By using Spirit Guides we can have rapid personal change, physical and emotional healing, creativity, spiritual growth. Ancient shamanic and modern techniques are taught to be applied to clearing trauma, changing karma, accessing creativity, changing relationship patterns. Learn to work with the Dream Weaver to open the door to the dream world and to access powerful elements of creativity. Great for personal Soul growth! Mandalas, charkas, and scripts.
By Zoilita Grant | ||
This manual contains in depth Inner Child work including how to determine developmental stages of wounding, Inner Child rescue work, and child adult bonding techniques. Alchemical Hypnotherapy techniques and interactive process are designed to change behaviors. Contains many tools to do Inner Child / Inner Family Work, Develop Inner Resources, work with wounded parts and do Committee Room Techniques. A real tool to deepen you work with people.
By Zoilita Grant | ||
Physical, mental and sexual abuse are some of the most significant issue in people life. It is estimated that one out of three girls, and at least for out of seven boys, are abused by the time they reach the age of eighteen. By using a combination of Alchemical hypnosis and Radiant Heart Healing it is possible to heal the deep wounds of abuse. You will learn to recognize both the symptoms and impact of abuse in your clients live. This manual will help you learn to help client with:
Uncovering memories through the power of trance
Absolving the Child from Guilt…purification process
Developing Inner Resources
Create the Adult-Child Bond
Committee work
Client testifies to their truth | ||
Hypnosis is only just beginning to be used to support the process of sobriety. This book presents pioneering material that will add real dimensions to your practice. The book presents a comprehensive program on how to work with clients through addictions into recovery. The scope is very broad and teaches a system of working with addictions that includes codependency. You will learn ways to teach skills that ensure permanent recovery. Scripts, Protocols and Plans are included.
By Zoilita Grant | ||
Hypnosis is the most practical and effective way to enter the subconscious mind, which is very suggestible when you talk to it in the right way. So how do we get hypnosis more mainstream and let people learn to use the power of their own minds? Hypnotic Coaching is an ideal way get hypnosis more mainstream and let people learn to use the power of their own minds. It is a non therapeutic use of hypnosis as a coach and combines the skills of life, business, or relationship coaching with the techniques of classical hypnosis.…the tools and techniques of the coach with the power and punch of hypnosis! This book is the secret of success by showing you how do it. | ||
This book creates the missing link to success as a Hypnotherapist. It is a comprehensive book on the people skills necessary for a very successful practice. It is designed for professionals and creates a comprehensive detailing client planning techniques, communication skills and client assessment. You will learn valuable skills relating to both individuals and groups. Group facilitation skills are taught in connection with developing ongoing Hypnotherapy groups. The book also contains specific information about how to work with weight, smoking, anxiety and depression. A real must for a successful practice. Scripts, protocols, client handouts and plans are included.
By Zoilita Grant | ||
This workbook is comprehensive and very detailed. A great foundation for a successful practice containing overview of subpersonality therapy. This is an excellent workbook to serve as your complete reference for a successful practice. This is the primary textbook of the Colorado Coaching and Hypnotherapy Training Institute. A section on marketing the private practice is included. This will really benefit your private practice.
By Zoilita Grant
ISBN# 1-890575-21-6 | ||
This is the foundation training book for Hypnotic-Coaching. The field of Hypnotic-Coaching is about working with people who want “success” in their lives. A Hypnotic-Coach is much like a trainer who helps an athlete win the “gold medal” – not just be in the race. Hypnotic-Coaches help clients design the lives they want. It helps them achieve their goals. Hypnotic-Coaching is a process that teaches the use of hypnosis to create a solution-focused life. Hypnotic-Coaching goes beyond problem solving and uses life coaching techniques to help the client create a life that is purposeful and focused. Hypnotic-Coaching is not therapy. Hypnotic-Coaching is a new and different profession. It is not hypnotherapy nor does it replace it. Hypnotic-Coaching is part of the coaching profession. This book teaches the skills and tools of the Hypnotic-Coach and how to use hypnosis to successfully help clients achieve their goals.
By Zoilita Grant |
This book focuses on life and clinical issues of children and adolescents. It is easy to read and contains many helpful protocols and scripts. It also explains successful inductions to use with children and adolescents as well as play therapy techniques. Recently added are stories to use specifically with issues common to children. Scripts, protocols, participants handouts. and plans are included.
By Zoilita Grant |
An organized system of customized Pain Management Session Guides. It includes all the paperwork that you will need to successfully work with pain relief clients. All materials you need are included.
By Zoilita Grant | ||
An organized system of session guides including all the client paperwork that you need. This system is a great benefit in the on going process of therapy. An excellent last session form is included.
Everything you need is include. By Zoilita Grant | ||
A simple system designed to help clients get reimbursement from their health care providers under psychological services. You will learn how to create the type of practice that will get your clients reimbursed. This new manual is very complete, including client planning and working with a supervisor.A list of appropriate supervisors is included, as well as common diagnostic codes for hypnosis work. A sample Insurance Billing Form Disclosure Statement and many other forms are include on Computer CD in Microsoft Word.
By Zoilita Grant | ||
There is definitely money in numbers. A really good way to increase your income is to learn how to run effective hypnosis groups. On going, target groups will create a wonderful way to leverage your time and make more money. From effectively running hypnosis groups to marketing them successfully, this manual has it all. You will learn to combine group facilitation, journaling and hypnosis in classes that are easy and fun to run. These groups use your skills in ways to create greater income. There is money in numbers. Included is a list of sample groups and outlines for several very popular groups as well as sample marketing materials. Scripts, protocols, participants handouts. and plans are included.
By Zoilita Grant | ||
The marketplace is filled with opportunities for hypnosis practitioners. In our changing financial climate, individuals are looking for support in being their best and reaching their full potential and personal. This book contains detailed information about how to work with anxiety, weight, smoking and many types of wellness issues. A set of Client handouts in included. |
A really good script can create a breakthrough with your client. This unique approach to creating protocols and scripts helps you to work with the underlying psychological issues that often complicate your work with clients. Zoilita has a real gift with the use of words and you can learn a lot just going through the scripts. These scripts and protocols been used with many clients very successfully. This book has been recently up dated and several new scripts have been added.
By Zoilita Grant | ||
Interactive scripts are new in the field of hypnosis and Zoilita has done an incredible job of creating them. The types of scripts range from advance subpersonality to past life work. Many of the scripts contain a unique combination of cellular block clearing and interactive processes. There are scripts that can be used either in a hypnotherapy or hypnotic-coaching context. This script book is a real practice builder.
By Zoilita Grant |