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Open Your Mind to a New Career!

Become a Certified Hypnotic Coach

Be Your Own Boss! Work Part Time!
Make a Great Living! Make a difference in the world!


Upon completion of the test emailed to your, we send you a certificate suitable for framing.  You will be eligible to certified as a hypnotic coach by the ACHE.

This training contains everything you need to know to be a Hypnotic Coach and produce the same degree of success as Zoilita gets with her own clients. You receive:

1. Eight sessions of Skype or Phone training and coaching for success with Zoilita

2, Three books: Master Hypnotic Coach Workbook, Scripts and Tools for Growth, and Hypnosis in the MarketPlace,

3. Three Hypnosis Audio CDs/MP3s to support your success.

4. A large selection of client paperwork handouts will be emailed to you for easy download to customize for clients

5. Training/materials in successfully marketing your practice to make a six figure income.

This is the non-therapeutic use of hypnosis as a coach and combines the skills of life, business, or relationship coaching with the techniques of classical hypnosis. Hypnotic Coaching teaches the use of hypnosis as a tool to achieve goals: learning goals, fulfillment goals and performance goals. This training requires a minimum of 200 hours of previous hypnosis training. Certification is as a Master Hypnotic Coach. The field of Hypnotic Coaching is about working with people who want “success” in their lives. A Hypnotic Coach is much like a trainer who helps an athlete win the “gold medal” – not just be in the race. Hypnotic Coaches help clients design the lives they want. It helps them achieve their goals. Hypnotic Coaching is a process that teaches the use of hypnosis to create a solution-focused life/business. Hypnotic Coaching goes beyond problem solving and uses life coaching techniques to help the client create a life that is purposeful and focused.

Join the fastest growing profession in human relations, coaching, with the power and punch of hypnosis!  Get in depth training as a life/business coach, including advanced coaching skills, client management and marketing All paperwork that you need to practice is included. Zoilita’s marketing training is exceptional with the goal of training you to make a six figure income. As a type of coaching, hypnotic coaching focuses on clients’ goals to create success. Our training is very comprehensive. It is contains the tools and techniques of coaching, with the power and punch of hypnosis.

MC/Visa and payment plans available

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In 2008 the A.C.H.E began certifying Hypnotic Coaches. This is a non therapeutic use of hypnosis as a coach and combines the skills of life, business, or relationship coaching with the techniques of classical hypnosis. Hypnotic Coaching teaches the use of hypnosis as a tool to achieve goals: learning goals, fulfillment goals and performance goals. This training requires a minimum of 200 hours of hypnosis and coaching training (100 hours of each). Individuals are certified as Hypnotic Coaches. With an additional 100 hours of training for a total of 300 hours, individuals are certified as a Master Hypnotic Coaches.


Deals mostly with a person’s past and trauma, and seeks healing.

Doctor-patient relationship (Therapist has the answers).

Assumes emotions are a symptom of and something wrong.

The Therapist provides professional expertise and guidelines to give you a path to healing.

Hypnotic Coaching

Deals mostly with a person’s present and seeks to guide them into a more desirable future.

Co-creative equal partnership (Coach helps client discover their own answers). Assumes emotions are natural normalizes them.

The Coach stands with you, and helps YOU identify the challenges, then works with you to turn challenges into victories and holds you accountable to reach your desired goals.

As part of coaching, hypnotic coaching is a developmental model that assumes that, just like the acorn that grows into the mighty oak, the client already has the seeds of their own magnificence.

I would add that one of the things that distinguishes coaching from therapy is that coaching is a professional contractual relationship of equals.

This is adapted from an article written by Patrick Williams EdD. MCC. in Choice Magazine Volume 5 #3. Dr Williams is the Director of the Life Coach Training Institute.