So what is success? Let’s stop a moment and talk about what success is? It used to be that success was measured by money, power and time. In the last few years more and more people have come to believe that there is a fourth pillar called quality of life. So success is subjective. It is up to you. The more that you clarify and decide what success means to you the better chance you have of getting it. When you think about a successful life think about your whole Wheel of Life
So if you focus on your level of satisfaction what percentage of satisfaction do you feel with each area. Is your wheel balanced or do you have a flat tire? Take time to think about what each area looks like when you are at least the 80% level of satisfaction. That’s a “B” Life and I believe you deserve and “A”
Once we get a clearer picture of what we want it becomes like Napoleon Hill’s Definite Purpose which helps us to harness the power of your subconscious to create your conscious goals. Our mindset is where everything starts. It is like a channel on a TV system. We can only operate from the mindset that we have. It’s how we set goals. It’s what gives us the strength to go after them. It’s what makes Us confident and daring. It’s what makes us creative and focused.
Our mindset is what helps you to appreciate what we already have and to see the positive instead of the negative. The right mindset is the first step in achieving our goals. No matter what we want to accomplish we must adopt the right mindset. That means basically filling your mind with positive self supporting and encouraging thoughts. Everything we are and the world around us begins in our mind.
When we think about habits we usually think self defeating habits, or what we think of as bad habits. These are usually part of our coping mechanisms and do not elevate us or bring us joy. These habits are hurtful to us on some level. We may consciously want to change a hurtful habit but feel stuck and unable to change the self-defeating behavior patterns. We may feel that we have no choice but continue to do what you know on some level is not in your best interest. The hurtful or unwanted habit seems to have a mind of its own. As a result, hurtful habit behaviors are repeated automatically, often with little conscious awareness.
This situation arises because our hurtful habits are controlled by the subconscious part of our mind. Our mind is 15% conscious and 85% subconscious and when they disagree the subconscious always wins. The subconscious is not as easily communicated with as is the conscious mind. Thus, the subconscious may not know that it needs to change the behavior that it controls. The self-defeating behavior may have originated long ago as a way for you to cope with anxiety or fear or some other experience. Through repetition, habits became imprinted in our subconscious. They are automatic reactions and hard to change. Habituation is what we call it. We know Hypnosis is a very effective tool for changing hurtful habits. Scientific research proves this.
Through the use of hypnosis and hypnotic language, we can communicate with our subconscious minds and help it to understand that the hurtful habit is no longer needed as a coping mechanism because there are other choices. Once our subconscious understands and accepts this information, it cannot ignore it. It has to act on it and begin to change the behavior that we want to consciously change.
Self-defeating habits that respond well to hypnosis include unwanted behaviors such as: nail biting, thumb sucking, hair pulling, teeth grinding and jaw clenching), nervous tics, problem eating patterns (e.g., overeating, cravings for junk food and sweets), problem drinking, smoking, and procrastination, among others. The key is that we must decide to change and want to change. Then in the hypnotic state, with our permission and cooperation, the doorway to our subconscious is opened and it is possible to provide information that our subconscious needs to have to change the behavior that we want to change.
Now follow me as I take this idea and flip it 180 degrees. The fact that we can create a habit response is great when we decide to create positive habits. Think about brushing your teeth….once you have that habit you tend to keep it consistently throughout your life….you don’t do a pros vs cons or check list you just automatically do it. Wouldn’t be great if you could create habits that bring you satisfaction and success in life? The good news is that you can. This is what you are going to learn right now. Let’s start with the basics.
- Focus on having healthy Self Esteem and Self Confidence. You can only get in the world what you think you deserve. Unfortunately most people in America don’t seem to realize that they are enough. Self Esteem can be divided into three different components: Self Image is the picture that you have of yourself in your mind. In women this is about 70% body image , but also includes characteristics that you identify with yourself such as hard working or lazy. In men it is approximately 50% body image and 50% character traits. Self confidence is measured by the things you know you can do. The world reinforces you by giving you money, grades or pats on the back. The third component is Innate Worth. This is an intrinsic sense of worth and value that comes from within yourself and is not dependent on externals.
Affirmations Which Support the Development of High Self Esteem
- I believe that I am capable and competent.
- I believe that I am worthwhile and valuable, and that my life is significant.
- I believe I have the power to influence my life.
Do 3 sets of 10 each. Just like physical muscles, you build emotional muscles in sets.
- Give up the four Cs Stop Criticizing, complaining, confronting and comparing. You will be so much happier.
- Embrace the Three Ms
Manage Your Inner Dialogue: The biggest blocks to success are not talent, motivation or knowledge of techniques. The biggest blocks, are the internal, mental and emotional barriers that face on a daily basis. Your self-talk is the foundation of your belief system and your belief system determines your attitudes about your success. Inner thoughts either set you up for success or failure. Therefore, negative, pessimistic thoughts will ultimately lead to procrastination and the failure to achieve your goals. Such thoughts create underlying patterns of failure.So often, people unconsciously use self-limiting thoughts which prevent them from being successful. It’s a form of unintended self-sabotage. Examples of such self-talk phrases, are: “The economy is preventing my success” or “I just can’t lose weight.” Take a day and write down any negative or self defeating thoughts that you catch yourself thinking. Then write the positive opposites.
Maintain Optimistic Attitude: Research conducted over 30 years with more than one million participants has determined there is a single, powerful predictor of success– optimistic expectations. Ability and motivation are not always enough to guarantee consistent results. Expectations of success or failure are self-fulfilling prophecies that often determine the outcomes. The research also shows that people who develop learned optimism live longer and healthier lives, so there are major benefits that go far beyond your business. The key is to believe that you will succeed, despite the blocks, and limitations. Continue to believe you will succeed.
Maximize Your Mind: The Mind is 15% -20% conscious The Mind is 80%-85% subconscious When the conscious mind and subconscious mind disagree, the subconscious always wins! When the subconscious supports conscious goals, you unleash maximum potential. Hypnosis is the most effective way to change the subconscious mind. 90% of men, women and children easily learn hypnosis. Practice self hypnosis to reinforce your goals.
1. Grounding: Relax your body, clear your mind. Run roots into the earth and drain negative energy and purify. Bring energy back up into your body.
2. Mindfulness: Sit in a comfortable relaxed position. You can sit either on the floor with your legs crossed or in a chair. Rest your hands lightly on your thighs with the palms down. Cast your eyes down, but leave them slightly open. Focus your attention on your breath. Breathe deeply rhythmically. Quiet your mind by focusing on your breath and consciously putting your thoughts away. As thoughts appear, bring your attention gently back to your breath. After your period of open eyed mindfulness, close your eyes and visualize having a wonderful day or achieving a goal. Key elements are to use the breath and body to stay present in the here and now. Practice for at least 10 minutes 2 X a day. Work up to 20 minutes. 2 X a day. Benefits: 1. Improves ability to handle stress. 2.Increases retention of information/improves memory 3.Gives emotional space. Allows you to handle emotions better. 4.Cuts down on reactivity and triggering. 5. Improves concentration and focus. 6.Supports immune system functioning and body’s ability to handle disease.
3.Three Minute Vacation: Sit in a comfortable relaxed position. You can sit either on the floor with your legs crossed or in a chair. Rest your hands lightly on your thighs with the palms down. Close your eyes and visualize having a wonderful vacation. Count 300 breaths. Do this 3 to 5 times a day.
- Close your eyes
- Take in three deep breathes.
- Count backwards from 10 to 1.
- Relax your body.
- Clear your mind.
- Do suggestions and visualizations.
- Count yourself back from 1 to 5.
Suggestion: Visualizations:
Your business success is dependent upon your personal success
Develop these five daily personal habits Consistency is very important.
1. Begin each day with 5 mins of gratitude 2. Meditate/practice mindfulness
3. Review your goals with feelings 4. Exercise at least 20 mins 5. Plan your day
Planning: This helps you to define clear goals, both short and long term, and to create a plan for achieving them. These goals need regular review and updating, and short-term objectives need to be defined on a regular basis. Regular review and planning is a helpful structure for keeping you on track and focused.
Scheduling: Scheduling and deadlines are great for getting things done. Create your own deadlines. Choose a day and time in the future for getting something done and schedule it. Try scheduling ongoing activities at a regular time each week. Write down three things to accomplish each day and do the hardest first. A calendar is a simple yet powerful support structure. If you aren’t already working effectively with your calendar, I encourage you to begin utilizing it more fully. Some people might find electronic calendars more useful. Whatever you use, it needs to be user-friendly for you and effective, otherwise you won’t use it enough. So experiment until you find what you enjoy working with the most.
Tracking: The things we track we pay more attention to and naturally tend to prioritize more highly. Therefore, tracking can be surprisingly effective. They work well as a form of holding yourself accountability to your action plans. They also provide clear feedback on whether or not you’re following through, as well as whether you’re on track to get the results you’re aiming for. This reality check can be a strong motivator. Tracking usually involve updating a tracking form on a regular basis. This is one of the easiest, time efficient, and powerful things that you can do.
Accountability: This is one of the most effective and important strategies for success. It involve sharing clear goals and/or actions with an individual or group who you will be communicating with again at a later date and reviewing whether or not the actions were completed and the objectives achieved. This is helpful for several reasons:
It forces you to identify clear objectives and actions. Knowing that someone else will be there to help celebrate your small successes or notice your lack of follow-through tends to be very motivating. It can add to your sense of satisfaction when someone witnesses you keeping your plans, keeping your word, and making progress. On the other hand, you may be more likely to procrastinate when nobody will take notice. Find out more about Habits of Success Join My FaceBook Group