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Consider how you’re nurturing your mindset for success: Are you skillfully adding dozens of techniques and insights about success that that you’ve accumulated over the past months and years to your approach to life?

That’s incredible—the more resources you include in your toolbox as you build new habits, the more naturally you will integrate a success mindset into your everyday experience.

But what are you focusing on eliminating from your approach as you address your mindset and habits?

As you continually add great techniques into your toolbox that focus on moving you forward into new levels of success, you may be missing one major factor: A self-audit of what is holding you back.

Before you worry about how complex of a process that might be, I can direct you to one all-too-common culprit.

Self-Limiting Beliefs. 

If you focus on changing the beliefs that no longer serve you—eliminating just this one element of your approach to your mindset—you can create a much clearer, straightforward path toward a vibrant mindset for success.

How to Combat Self-Limiting Beliefs

To combat any obstacle, you must be able to see it. So you must begin by doing your best to make yourself aware of what your self-limiting, self-sabotaging beliefs are, and how they are holding you back from success.

  1. Write down ideas you have about yourself that make you feel stuck or unhappy. (i.e. “I don’t deserve to have a profitable business.”)
  2. For each of those ideas, consider what they keep you from, and how they create an obstacle, and write down what that looks like. (i.e. “When I believe I don’t deserve it, I don’t act quickly on opportunities that come in front of me.”)
  3. Give yourself a moment to truly “see” your self-limiting beliefs.
  4. Acknowledge that you will not immediately identify all of your self-limiting beliefs; some of them live deep inside your subconscious.
  5. Then, commit to eliminating those beliefs.

As you strive to change your mindset away from these self-limiting beliefs, identifying the beliefs that are deep in your subconscious along the way, you can try my MasterKey Neuro-Meditation. This video program helps you rewire your brain to clear those self-limiting beliefs that are presenting obstacles to your success.

If you’re already doing work to eliminate your self-limiting beliefs, be sure to share the MasterKey Neuro-Meditation with your peers, and remember:

  • Beliefs are merely thoughts
  • Self-limiting beliefs do not have to hold you back
  • You have the power to analyze, and change, those thoughts

Revel in Your Hard-Won Relief from Beliefs That Were Holding You Back

When you begin to reach freedom from your self-limiting beliefs, you’ll find your success—and your success mindset—waiting right in front of you.

As you reclaim your pathway to a mindset from success from your self-sabotaging beliefs, find joy in the clearer road ahead!

                                       Change Your Mind and Change Your Life!
Create by Design Not by Default!

Sending Blessings and Love, Zoilita Grant