1. They are based on different models
Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic model. The client is presumed to have something the want to heal and the hypnotherapist is presumed to be able to help them get better..
Hypnotic coaching is a developmental model. The client is presumed to have what they need already inside of them and the coach helps them to uncover what they need and coach them to achieve their goals. The hypnotic coach is focused on the future and enhancing performance and attaining goals.
2. They involve different types of relationships
Hypnotherapy is a therapuetic relationship and often involves the therapist taking the lead. Hypnotic coaching is an educational relationship. The client hires the hypnotic coach to train them achieve goals
3. They utilize different processes
Hypnotherapists have a plan which they create to help the client heal or overcome a problems. Some hypnotherapists use techniques such as regression to address the client’s past.
Hypnotic coaching is focused on moving from the present to the future. It is client directed and co-created between client and hypnotic coach. The hypnotic coach designs actions utilizing the core competencies of the ICF to facilitate learning and results.
Hypnotic coaching is based on this premise from the ICF web site
“The International Coach Federation adheres to a form of coaching that honors the client as the expert in his/her life and work and believes that every client is creative, resourceful, and whole. Standing on this foundation, the coaches responsibility is to: -Discover, clarify and align with what the client wants to achieve. -Encourage client self-discovery. -Elicit client-generated solutions and strategies. -Hold the client responsible and accountable.”
Hypnotic coaching is It is the non therapeutic use of hypnosis to enhance performance and achieve goals. Try a session yourself https://mindset-for-success.org/product/individual-business-coaching/