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The prosperity code within me is now fully activatedProsperity is not something you acquire; it is something that you tune into. It is a result of your Mindset. Your MindSet completely controls your experience of life. Not only does it affect your choices, it affects how you experience life. It is like a channel that you are tuned into. The Law of Attraction is always working. Your outer life is a reflection of your thoughts, beliefs and feelings. This is a time of great change and part of the change is moving into a time of abundance. What is Prosperity? Having a full and rich life.

How we can have a full and rich life is really pretty simple. Your ability to create a truly abundant life is depended upon how you think, feel and believe at a subconscious level most of the time. Those three factors create the vibration that you broadcast into the world which attracts your experiences.

There are Five Laws that govern Prosperity in your life
The first law is the Law of Attraction: the energy and actions that we put out into the world is the energy and actions that we receive back. That is really what Karma is about. Our thoughts, feelings, and actions attract to us what we receive in the world. Outer reality does indeed mirror what is inside of us.

The second law is the Law of Intention: setting intentions, clearly and definitely are essential in creating lives that we truly enjoy. The more clearly that intentions are set, the more easily we can create them.

The third law is the Law of Celebration and Gratitude: cultivating an attitude of gratitude and counting your blessings creates the heart space for more blessings to come into your life.

The fourth law is the Law of Receptivity: our ability to have a joyous and prosperous life is only limited by our capacity to receive. It is important to increase your ability to receive.

The fifth law is the Law of Involvement: our lives are our responsibility. Do your own part. Involve yourself in the process of creating your ideal life. Remember it is your life!

So are you ready to take charge of your life?
Use your mind and you can do it!
When you use the power of your subconscious you can easily change habits and program yourself for success.

To create what you want……Think about what you want
1. Frequently
2. With feeling state intensity
3. Remove all blocks that stand in the way
4. Create inspired action

Please visit my store for easy to us and effective tools to tune in, turn on and prosper!