First Chakra:
This is the Root Chakra. It is located at the base of the spine. It governs career, prosperity and home life. The key element is Survival and it contains all the programming necessary to keep the body alive. The core color is Red.
Second Chakra:
This is the Sexual Chakra. It is located three fingers below the naval. It governs sexuality and creativity. The key element is Clairsentience. This is feeling emotions of other people. In extreme cases, it involves matching another person’s emotions or vibrations. The core color is Orange.
Third Chakra:
This is the Power Chakra. It is located at the solar plexus. It governs power, relationships and the world of dreams. The key element is Energy Distribution. This chakra distributes vital energies throughout the entire body. The core color is Yellow.
Fourth Chakra:
This is the Heart Chakra. It is located at the sternum. The key element is Christ consciousness. It governs self concepts. The key element is Affinity. This is the ability of being able to enter into a state of oneness with another person, group or one’s self.. The core color is Green (Pink is often in the center)
Fifth Chakra:
This is Throat Chakra. It is located at the base of the throat. The key element is Communication. Clairaudience. This is the ability to hear beings from other planes or over a great distance. This is the Inner Voice. It governs communication between the personality and the being. Broad Band Telepathy: mental communication with groups of people. Narrow Band Telepathy: mental communication with one or two persons. Pragmatic Intuition: intuition dealing with practical affairs, i.e. who’s calling on the phone, etc. the core color is Light Blue.
Sixth Chakra:
This is the Third Eye Chakra. It is located at the brow or forehead. The key element is Clairvoyance. This is the ability to see from other planes, also to see auras, chakras, etc. The core color is Dark Blue or Indigo. All Visionary talents are connected to this chakra.
Seventh Chakra:
This is the Crown Chakra. This is located at the apex of the head. The key element is the Connection with one’s Higher Power. Trance Medium ship which is the ability to leave your body and allow another being to enter and act through your body is also done through this chakra.. This requires the willingness of you, the being, to let another being take charge of your body. The core colors are all of the shades of Violet/Purple & White.
The Importance of Color:
When working with energy it is necessary that we understand the nature of color. For energy, or prana, the life force moves from the center of consciousness (the mind of God) into the outer world in waves. Light, sound and color manifest through the rhythm of life. The energy comes forth in seven wave lengths of vibrating currents which appear as near as possible to the colors of the rainbow. It is easy to use these frequencies of color to accelerate our vibratos frequency and strengthen our bodies so we may gather energy, channel, transform and release it. This is healing and in the process we raise ourselves to experience the highest intuitive levels. When thinking about various rays of color it is helpful to imagine them like gears which rotate upwards, always faster and higher. There is a science of color healing that ascribes meaning and uses for the colors.
Meaning: Use:
This is dynamic, sexual and Good for charging so that you can
reproductive radiation – heaviest revitalize. Increases sensual reactions,
and slowest – basic hot energy. Red combats arthritis, rheumatism, lumbago
is the color of the root chakra and sciatia, stiffening of the muscles
effects all areas relating to that chakra. and joints and sluggishness. Also
draws out poisons, builds up red
corpuscles, stimulates arteries,
menstrual discharge and works on
autonomic nervous system.
Meaning: Use:
Active ray is a mixture of Increases oxygen levels,
the intellect and reproductive strengthens lungs, relieves
energies. This ray works through menstrual cramps, releases gas,
action, aiding you in exercise, draws boils, depresses the
dance and other movement. Early parathyroid, stimulates the
shamans worked extensively with thyroid and increases
this ray. production of a mother’s milk.
Also stimulates personal in-
terests activities and creativity.
Meaning: Use:
The ray of intelligence – the Aids in the treatment of
mind. This ray works through mental illness, reinforces self
the area of imagination and confidence and courage,
creative visualization. This
speeds up the assimilation of is the sun ray and radiates power.
new information, stimulates
the lymphatic glands, liver,
gall bladder, eyes and ears.
Promotes the elimination of
calcium and loosens deposits
that cause arthritis. Loosens
mucus and congestion.
Meaning: Use:
Incorporates wisdom and intuition. This ray stimulates the
As soon as we reach this vibration pituitary gland and raises the
we are turning into higher vibration of the entire body.
vibrations. This ray interacts with It restores balance, builds
the heart and invokes positive feelings cells, aids in the healing of
of self love and worth. cuts and bruises and dissolves
blood clots. Aids in the
healing of infections and is
excellent for the treatment of
Cancer. When this ray is
activated we can use massage
and herbal remedies to
activate healing.
Light Blue
Meaning: Use:
This ray is associated with sound Produces a calming effect and
chants, speaking, singing and generates a protective envelope
the Inner Voice. Blue activates around the person. Improves sleep,
elements of truth. Aids in speaking calms fevers, fights infections and
ones “truth”. inflammations. Also good for itches,
anxiety, burns and skin problems.
Meaning: Use:
Calming and pacifying – Effective in treating neurotic /
it affects the right side of anxious persons by acting as a
the brain. This is the ray of sedative. Potions and amulets
intuition and Inner Vision. are often used in conjunction
with this ray. Also depresses the Thyroid gland and stimulates
the parathyroid gland. Reduces
internal bleeding, elieves hemorrhages and swelling,
Meaning: Use:
The ray of spirituality. Used for the relief of headaches
Stimulates artistic endeavors. and maintaining the ideal body
Spiritual painting and the weight. Also connects you
creation of mandala’s are often to the God Force and awakens
linked to this ray. creative powers. Intensifies work with color, crystals and fragrances.
Color Meanings in the Aura:
Red: energizing, blood revitalizing
Orange: healing in aura, emotion, changes, creativity
Yellow: mind energy
Green: growth, healing,
Light Blue: calm, spiritual nature, expression, truth
Indigo: psychic, perception, intuitive
Purple: higher information
White light is all color. Black is the absence of color.
Intuitive Gifts:
Knowingness: the ability to be still and know.
Precognition: knowing the future.
Psychometry: ability to know history of an object by feeling it.
Healing: ability to heal self and others.
Telekinesis: ability to move an object by will.
Hands: the ability to direct energy outwardly towards others.
Feet: the ability to draw the energy from the earth into your own body
through the feet chakras.
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