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Love is not what you say. Love is what you do.Have you heard the saying, “Words are cheap, action speaks,” ? It is most true than when applied to the words “I love you.” Whether spoken to a romantic partner, your children or other family members, if the actions aren’t there to back up the loving words, it all means nothing. Below are 10 of the best ways to say “I love you” in your actions. But there are thousands more. See how creative you can get in coming up with your own ideas.

  1. Greet your loved ones with a big smile, a hug and a kiss.
  2. Really listen to what your loved ones are saying; give them your undivided and undistracted attention.
  3. Support each other through tough times.
  4. Do simple (even random) acts of kindness, such as massaging shoulders or feet, cooking a favorite meal, running a bath.
  5. Spend one-on-one time with your loved ones, with no particular agenda.
  6. Commit to truly accepting each other’s faults.
  7. Come home on time. Be prepared to be really present.
  8. Honor and keep your word. If you say you’ll do something, do it, and by the time you said you’d do it.
  9. Take responsibility for your part in any difference of opinion, and then look at how you can do better next time. Stop the blame game.
  10. Share yourself and show what is deeply inside of you. This is a precious gift and conveys trust and security.

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