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Self Confidence is the first requisite to great undertakings.Self Esteem can be divided into three different components:

Self Image is the picture that you have of yourself in your mind. In women this is about 70% body image , but also includes characteristics that you identify with yourself such as hard working or lazy. In men it is approximately 50% body image and 50% character traits.

Self confidence is measured by the things you know you can do. The world reinforces you by giving you money, grades or pats on the back.

The third component is Innate Worth. This is an intrinsic sense of worth and value that comes from within yourself and is not dependent on externals.

Affirmations Which Support the Development of High Self Esteem

  1. I believe that I am capable and competent.
  2. I believe that I am worthwhile and valuable, and that my life is significant.
  3. I believe I have the power to influence my life

You can only get in life what you think you deserve.

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