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    Meditation made easy

  1. Grounding: Relax your body, clear your mind. Run roots into the earth and drain negative energy and purify. Bring energy back up into your body.2. Mindfulness: Sit in a comfortable relaxed position. You can sit either on the floor with your legs crossed or in a chair. Rest your hands lightly on your thighs with the palms down. Cast your eyes down, but leave them slightly open. Focus your attention on your breath. Breathe deeply rhythmically. Quiet your mind by focusing on your breath and consciously putting your thoughts away. As thoughts appear, bring your attention gently back to your breath. After your period of open eyed mindfulness, close your eyes and visualize having a wonderful day or achieving a goal. Key elements are to use the breath and body to stay present in the here and now. Practice for at least 10 minutes 2 X a day.  Work up to 20 minutes. 2 X a day.


  1. Improves ability to handle stress.
  2. Increases retention of information/improves memory
  3. Gives emotional space. Allows you to handle emotions better.
    Cuts down on reactivity and triggering.
  4. Improves concentration and focus.
  5. Supports immune system functioning and body’s ability to handle disease.

3. Three Minute Vacation: Sit in a comfortable relaxed position. You can sit either on the floor with your legs crossed or in a chair. Rest your hands lightly on your thighs with the palms down. Close your eyes and visualize having a wonderful vacation. Count 300 breaths. Do this 3 to 5 times a day.

Guess What You Are! There is Magic in Your Mind.
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