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You’ve worked hard up to this point, and now you’ve finally landed an interview for the job you’ve always wanted. First of all, congratulations! Now it’s time to do your part in sealing the deal. From doing interview prep to impressing the hiring managers, here is some advice on how you can ensure you get that dream job.

Prepare with Diligence

Benjamin Franklin said, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” Preparation for your interview is critical. By now, you’ve probably created an impressive resume and cover letter that helped get you an interview, so you know you have what it takes to prepare. The first order of business should be to review your online presence. Your potential employer is more than likely going to look you up, so it’s important to make sure your social media profiles don’t contain any wild party photos, political diatribes, and/or negative sentiment toward past employers.

Then, you want to start your research on the company you’ve applied for. Get to know their history and culture, and read any news articles you find that involve the company. Learn as much as you can about the industry, including which companies and trends are prevalent, and observe where the company stands in relation to the industry as a whole. This will help you explain how you can be an asset and help push the team forward.

Also, look up potential interview questions — questions you could be asked and ones you should ask. Moreover, it’s a good idea to review your resume or portfolio so you know what they’re expecting and bring it with you to the interview so that you look extra prepared.

Look the Part

You’ve probably heard how important it is for you to dress up for your interview. It’s true. For most places of employment, donning your favorite tank-top and walking in with flip-flops will imply that you’re not taking the prospective job seriously. A general rule of thumb is to observe what other employees wear on a daily basis, then take it up a notch for your interview attire. While your clothes are important, making it clear that you practice personal hygiene and grooming is just as important when it comes to impressing your potential employers. Keep your hair and makeup simple and conservative. Look to make grooming a little easier with tools like a hair clipper and hair-straightening brush.

Engage the Hiring Manager

While interviews are often the most dreaded part of a job search, you’ll do great if you prepare well and engage the interviewer. You want to show that you’ve prepared and that you’re the best person for the job, but you also want to be friendly and relate to the interviewer on a personal level. Oftentimes, whether a hiring manager feels an affinity for you as a person will determine if you get a job offer. Don’t be afraid to ask the interviewer some personal questions as long as you don’t stray too far off topic. Also, be sure to maintain good posture and eye contact, and show your interest by actively listening throughout the interview.

Follow Up

Finally, don’t hesitate to follow up with the interviewer. Show your thanks through an email or phone call that evening or the next day. Explain specific ways that the interviewer was helpful, and express that you hope for the opportunity to work together.

Landing an interview is a big step toward having your dream job, but there’s a lot that goes into closing the deal. Be sure to prepare by sharpening up your online presence, researching the company and industry, and studying possible interview questions. Also, remember to look your best for the interview. In order to leave a lasting impression, engage the interviewer by being personable and interactive, as well as sending a note of appreciation afterward.